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第18届年度多样性问题电影 & 讲座系列横幅用深靛蓝带脸着色 & 中冶集团白色会徽

电影多元化 & 系列讲座

《OPE电子竞技官网》电影 & 系列讲座始于2006年. Approximately nine presentations annually are offered across OPE电子竞技官网 campuses and centers. 为电影确定讨论领导.



Renowned traditional Lakota expert and Emcee for the Denver March powwow, 克里斯·鹰, 讨论汗房.
 鹰鹰是个体户 文化顾问, 提供拉科塔知识, drum therapy and self-awareness for the youth and adults throughout Indian Country. He is a member of two warrior societies and the Teca Wacipi Okolakiciye (Young Dancer’s Society).
时间:12:30-1:45 p.m. 
地点:奥马哈堡校区,数字快递,大厦. 10号136B房间 & C
在此链接注册以虚拟方式查看: 汗房的神圣传统


里卡多·阿里扎,  Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAGNebraska) Career Specialist, Umó @ ho @(奥马哈)全国公立学校
Suzi French, Farm to School Director, Umó @ ho @(奥马哈)全国公立学校
Stacie Hardy, Superintendent, Umó @ ho @(奥马哈)全国公立学校

日期: 12月5日,星期二,下午12:30-1:45.m. 中科
收获希望 再一次。.

向领导学习 创新 户外课堂 所实现的 Umó @ ho @(奥马哈)全国公立学校 在梅西, Nebraska where educators teach students about the natural sciences through the lens of Native culture, 历史, 还有传统的仪式.
From planting to harvesting and everything in between, Umóⁿhoⁿ Nation Public School students 连接 和他们的社区一起接受 实践经验 在农业、经济和文化传统方面.


蒙娜·苏珊·鲍尔, 立岩苏族部落, 作者, graduate of Harvard Law School and the Iowa Writers' Workshop

蒙娜·苏珊·鲍尔 is the 作者 of four books of fiction, 包括《ope客户端》, Roofwalker, 神圣的荒野和玩偶议会. Participate to learn about her life and her newest book, 玩偶委员会, 一个关于三个女人的故事, told in part through the stories of the dolls they carried...

娘娘腔, born 1961: 娘娘腔's relationship with her beautiful and volatile mother is difficult, 甚至是危险, 但她的生活也充满了美好的事物, 包括一份新的圣诞礼物, 一个叫埃塞尔的娃娃, 是谁在娘娘腔的耳边轻声说着忠告和善意. 

莉莲, born 1925: Born in her ancestral lands in a time of terrible change, 莉莲紧紧抱着她的妹妹, 布兰奇, 还有她的洋娃娃, 美. The sisters are forced to attend an 'Indian boarding school' far from their home. When tragedy strikes the sisters, the doll 美 finds her way to defend the girls.

科拉, born 1888: Though she was born into the brutal legacy of the 'Indian Wars,' 科拉 isn't afraid of the white men who remove her to a school across the country to be 'civilized.老师们烧掉了她心爱的鹿皮和饰有珠子的娃娃, Winnona, and 科拉 discovers that the spirit of Winona may not be entirely lost.

日期: 3月19日星期二
时间: 12:30-1:45 p.m. CDT
地点: 奥马哈堡校区22号楼201A室
注册Zoom at 玩偶委员会


cyrus jaffery, afghan refugee, 2023 entrepreneur of the year, midlands business journal

Jaffery是喀布尔人, 阿富汗, where is family home was hit by a rocket when he was two years old in 1990 during the first Taliban uprising. He and his pregnant mother suffered injuries and fled to Pakistan. After living briefly in refugee camps and other temporary housing, his family's application for an American visa was granted and they arrived in the US in 2002. 在这里开始新生活的二十年里, 杰弗瑞努力工作, 自然的魅力, and driving ambition to escape poverty  and overcome trauma. Learn from Jaffrey who shares personal stories of overcoming challenges as guideposts for achieving one's best life and will bring copies of his memoir for a book signing. 


Time: 12:30-1:30 p.m. CDT
注册Zoom at 创伤后的胜利



第一夫人 is a novel about the extraordinary partnership between First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune—an unlikely friendship that changed the world.

奴隶的女儿以前被奴役的父母的女儿, Mary McLeod Bethune refuses to back down as white supremacists attempt to thwart her work. 她以活动家和教育家的身份继续前进, 随着她的名气越来越大,她成了名人, 受到商业巨头的尊敬,并得到美国政府的认可.S. 总统. Eleanor Roosevelt herself is awestruck and eager to make her acquaintance. Initially drawn together because of their shared belief in women’s rights and the power of education, Mary and Eleanor become fast friends confiding their secrets, hopes and dreams—and holding each other’s hands through tragedy and triumph.

富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福当选总统, 这两个女人开始更密切地合作, particularly as Eleanor moves toward her own agenda separate from FDR, a consequence of the devastating discovery of her husband’s secret love affair. Eleanor becomes a controversial First Lady for her outspokenness, particularly on civil rights. And when she receives threats because of her strong ties to Mary, it only fuels the women’s desire to fight together for justice and equality.
这是两个不同的故事, 但同样可怕的是, 充满激情的, 忠诚的女人, and the way in which their singular friendship helped form the foundation for the modern civil rights movement.

日期: 4月25日星期四
时间: 6:30-7:30 p.m. CDT
地点: 奥马哈堡校区. 10号楼110室
注册Zoom: 第一夫人 


Tammy botkin,导演

Winding through a seldom told 历史 of the Philippines and United States, Celestino Almeda, Ruby Panaglima, 和费利西亚娜雷耶斯发现自己入选美国.S. 二战期间的武装部队. 服务结束后, 国会宣布的, 还有数十万人, “不在现役”." These veterans were denied backpay, denied GI benefits, and denied promised citizenship. 今天, Celestino, 鲁迪, and Feliciana's continued fight represents the tens of thousands of elderly Filipino veterans who remain unacknowledged despite their evidence of service. As judicial solutions hit a brick wall and all eyes turn to Congress, 长征 asks the hard questions: will America stand up for the values it claims, and will veterans get the recognition they deserve before they are all dead?

Time: 10:00 a.m. ——CDT中午12:00
注册Zoom at 长征

Participation for all programs is free and open to the public.

联系 interculturaled@eduftp.net 咨询电话:531-622-2253.
Additional International/Intercultural Education virtual programming can be found on YouTube.

ACCOMMODATIONS:  Audience members requiring accommodations due to a disability must contact International/Intercultural Education, interculturaled@eduftp.net, 531-622-2253至少在项目前两周.​

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